Napoleon total war keygen steam

Dating > Napoleon total war keygen steam

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This, then, is the fundamental aim of Britain: to side with the weak in Europe against the strong - and steal as many overseas possessions as possible while doing it! The hated Catholic James II was forced into exile in the Glorious Revolution and a Protestant monarchy restored. You start off at war with all the nations. Your army should compose of: 1 General - Always buy the general's staff, expensive generals are, well, expensive. Get your army to Cairo, and against the Mamelukes, battle is quite easy even on autoresolve, because the enemy is weaker than yours, and that gives you a lot few casualties against them. The fact that they have the map on one side of them means they won't be attacked by another army if they try to press along that side. However, given Austria's position, with an ally to the east, neutral nations to the west and north, and Napoleon knocking on your doorstep, Austria is hard to fight with, and why they were destroyed in the actual Napoleonic Wars. If you get this then do as stated and skip the next part of the guide unless it becomes useful. Great Britain has the best line infantry in the game, followed closely by Prussia. And you will get a mission for that, after you have taken on the Russians. Good food is rare and our army is in bad supply.

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